
產品展示首頁 > 產品中心 > 德國Fischer菲希爾 > Fischer測厚儀 > 菲希爾渦流探頭FTA3.3H


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菲希爾渦流探頭FTA3.3H:選擇正確探頭中Z重要的依據是,涂鍍層和基材的材料組成。 其它重要方面還包括涂層和基材厚度、測量面積尺寸以及被測樣品的幾何形狀和表面特性。 當然,FISCHER也會提供全面而專業的建議,幫助您選擇Z適合當前測量應用的合適探頭 .


品牌Helmut Fischer/德國菲希爾



ISOSCOPE  FMP10渦流涂層測厚儀標準配置:ISOSCOPE  FMP10主機+FTA-3.3H渦流探頭

DELTASCOPE FMP10 為磁性涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-301
ISOSCOPE FMP10為渦流涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-298
DUALSCOPE FMP20為磁性/渦流涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-285
DELTASCOPE FMP30為磁性涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-297
ISOSCOPE FMP30為渦流涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-299
DUALSCOPE FMP40為磁性/渦流雙功能涂層測厚儀,訂貨號:604-286

常用渦流探頭:FTA3.3H,訂貨號:604-142,測量范圍:0 - 1200 μm


Characteristic Features of the ISOSCOPE FMP10-30:For all eddy current probes 
Features additional to those of the basic series:

Memory for up to 20,000 readings

Up to 100 calibratable applications

Capability of allocating readings into up to 4,000 Blocks

Date and time stamp for blocks

Statistics display of common characteristic values in the block and final results. Output of characteristic variance-analytical values

Graphical measurement display as a histogram with a Gaussian plot

Capability of entering process tolerance limits and computation of the associated process capability indices cp and cpk

Audible and visual warning when tolerance limits are exceeded

Free-running display with additional presentation of the reading as an analog bar between the tolerance limits

External key-triggered measurement acquisition, e.g., in hollow cylinders with small diameters

Capability to enable matrix measurement mode for connected multi-point measurements

Capability of averaging measurement data: Only the mean value of several readings will be stored

Measurement acquisition through area measurement possible: Only the single readings until probe lift-off are captured and averaged

Capability to measure continuously with the probe placed on the specimen

Outlier rejection for the automatic elimination of erroneous measurements

Correction of any stored reading

Application linking mode: Ability for common normalization/calibration of applications

Designations for applications through the optional PC program MP-Name

USB port to a printer

Battery and line power operation




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